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Registration / Reservation

ATTENTION: You are registering for the EXHIBITORS for CAPE-NM New Mexico Christian Homeschool Convention event



Main Contact / Attendee / Creator

 * Required Fields

Account Information

To check if you already have an account. Enter Your E-mail and CLICK HERE. To have the system load account info

Company Information


Extra Fields

 * Required Fields

Exhibitors at the Annual CAPE Convention are by invitation only. We thank you for your interest in becoming an exhibitor. Please upload any files, brochures, documents, etc. that provide information about your company (5MB file size limit for each file). If you are approved, you will receive further instructions via the email address you provided. Please allow up to a week for a response from CAPE.

PHOTOS/FILES: Files names may not include any other characters other than dashes and underscores. CHARACTERS NOT ALLOWED IN FILE NAMES: ( '= single quote "=double quote , ; [] {} : # $ % ^ & * () @ ! ~ = | \ /) Please rename your files if any of these exist. Also, there is a 5MB limit on files and photos so if your uploading a photo that is larger you will need to shrink it. There are a few free options such as for online and Shrink-O-Matic for your computer.

Any Additional Information

Word Count: (0) 150 Words Maximum!
Additional Package Options & Payment to Follow
ATTENTION: You are registering for the EXHIBITORS for CAPE-NM New Mexico Christian Homeschool Convention event
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