Events & Convention
CAPE at the Capitol
Annual Convention
Fall Family Retreat
CAPE-NM’s annual membership is $35 per year. Event registrations vary!
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Press & News
The New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED) Never Seems to Give Up
We encourage you to watch TJ Schmidt from HSLDA as he explains how the NMPED misinterprets HB 130 which was signed into law last year. CAPE is requesting that you send an email to the NMPED Director, Options for Parents & Families | Charter Schools Division (Corina Chavez) at, opposing the attempt to apply public school instructional hours to […]
Is CAPE-NM Irrelevant?
So, you’ve been homeschooling for 5, 10, or 15 years. You have your system worked out. You know what curriculum you are going to use. You’ve heard all the convention speakers before. You have no reason to attend the homeschool convention put on each year by the Christian Association of Parent Educators-NM (CAPE-NM). Or maybe…… […]

New Mexico law requires that families notify the state each year by August 1st or within 30 days of beginning your homeschool journey. There were issues with the NM PED website this year when the site was first opened. CAPE contacted the PED and was able to work with them to correct the overreach by […]